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Gynaecomastia (Enlargement of the male breasts)

Gynaecomastia is the most common breast problem in men characterized by the benign enlargement of breasts. Usually both breasts are symmetrically involved but sometimes there may be enlargement of only one breast. Breast growth usually starts at puberty and is a physiological response to hormonal changes at that age. This slight hypertrophy normally subsides spontaneously but occasionally persists.

This condition needs to be treated as persistent enlargement of the male breast can become a source of embarrassment and distress in the adolescent or adult male. The treatment for gynaecomastia is surgical by means of liposuction by a very small incision at the margin of areola (dark pigmented skin around the nipple). There are no visible scars after surgery. Patient is given pressure garments for six weeks to prevent hematoma formation and allow the loose skin after liposuction to shape nicely over chest muscles.












Cleft lip

These are the defects in a newborn child where there is a gap in the lip alone or lip and palate together along with deformity of nose. Clefts of lip alone do not cause any functional problem but need to be repaired for cosmetic reasons where as clefts of palate lead to multiple functional problems. The baby is unable to suck milk and may develop deficiency in speech and hearing later on. There are problems in eruption of teeth at the site of cleft. All these problems need to be dealt with deftly and at the right age. Cleft lip should be operated around the age of three months while the palate should be operated between one to one and a half years. Apart from these two surgical procedures, child needs to keep in follow up of a plastic surgeon till he or she attains adulthood .Some other procedures like rhinoplasty and treatment for teeth may also be required as the child grows.



Cleft of the lower lip



Excision of moles

Although many people find moles on their faces to be attractive and do not want anything to be done for them, others feel uncomfortable about their presence usually these moles do not present any problem but if they start growing in size, change their colour or start showing discharge, they need urgent removal. Use of acids or other chemicals to remove these moles may leave bad scars or defects which are difficult to treat. Timely surgical removal of moles is the best option.









Contracture of neck following burns

Acute burn patients require management of their wounds by an expert in the field so that the wounds heal faster, scarring is minimal and any consequential deformity is prevented from developing. Superficial burns can heal with proper dressings and supportive treatment within a period of one to two weeks without any complications. However the deep burns, which may take months to heal, should be excised and wounds should be covered with skin graft as soon as the general condition of the patient allows. This leads to early healing of wounds, reduction of risk to life, early discharge of patient from the hospital and prevention of deformities. The whole treatment also proves to be more economical. Even after healing of wounds patients need to remain in the follow up care of a plastic surgeon for their early rehabilitation into their social and professional life.



Defect over elbow following accident

The hands are vital for day-to-day functions performed by people. Any kind of trauma to hand which may be because of roadside accident, an injury in a machine or even be self inflicted, should be taken care of by a plastic surgeon who is expert in hand surgery. Amputated fingers or hand can be re-implanted by micro-vascular surgery provided the injury is caused by a sharp instrument.




Rhinoplasty is the surgery of the nose which may either be for cosmetic reasons or for reconstructive purposes. Acquired as well as in-born deformities of the nose can be corrected by this surgical procedure. Cosmetic rhinoplasty should be undertaken only when the growth of nose is complete i.e. only after the age of 16 to 17 years. The surgery is performed in such a way that there are no visible scars after surgery.







Tubular breast correction

Improvement in the size and shape of breasts is an important aspect of aesthetic surgery. Breast augmentation or breast enlargement surgery is designed to increase the size and volume of an underdeveloped breast and to add volume in a breast that has changed due to child birth and breast feeding. Through an incision in the breast fold a silicon implant is placed under the breast tissue or under the muscles on the chest wall. The scar is hidden under the breast fold. It has been medically proven that breast implants are safe over a long period of time and do not interfere with the examination and investigation of a new development in the breast.



Breast enhancement with silicon implants

Breast reduction is many a time demanded by a patient with large breasts who suffers from pain in the shoulders and back leading to postural changes. These patients are often troubled by recurrent fungal infections in the breast fold. The incisions for the procedure are designed to reduce the size of the breast preserving its functions and aesthetics.

Sagging of breast tissue with age and lactation or significant weight loss can be corrected by the procedure called mastopexy or breast lift. Sometimes the procedure needs to be combined with breast augmentation if there is a loss of breast volume.













A Patient with Dermoid cysts

Birth defects like prominent ears, Dermoid cysts, hemangiomas, extra digits in hand or foot and other complex hand deformities, are also treated by plastic surgeons in an efficient way to give better functional and cosmetic results. Hemangioma are abnormal growth of blood vessels which are most common on face. They may be present at birth or may become apparent after some time. They usually grow up to the age of one year and then start regloosing on their own. They may completely disappear around the age of 9-10 years. But still some hemangiomas need surgical intervention. Dermoid cysts are small swellings near the eye which gradually increase in size. They need surgical treatment for their removal.





Scar Revision

The natural process of wound healing is by formation of a scar. The scars vary in nature and appearance according to the nature of injury- whether due to burns or clean cuts or crushing of tissues. All scars take about six months to one year to mature to their final appearance. After this period the residual scars can be improved upon but cannot be eliminated completely. If the initial wound is treated by a plastic surgeon, the scarring can be reduced to quite some extent by their deft handling of tissues. Different scars need different kinds of treatment or may require multimodal approach. A patient’s healing ability has an important bearing on the outcome of scar revision surgery because of which the revised scar may not match the desires of the patient as well as that of the surgeon at times.



Tummy Tuck Surgery

Successive pregnancies in a lady or weight loss in an otherwise obese person can lead to sagging of lower abdominal skin and loosening of weak abdominal wall muscles. Contouring of such an abdomen needs a surgical procedure called abdominoplasty or tummy-tuck. If there is also excess fat under the skin, liposuction of abdominal fat is done first followed by tightening of muscles and removal of excess lower abdominal skin. The belly button is also reshaped and placed in its new position. The ultimate result is a younger looking abdomen with decreased stretch marks. The scar of tummy-tuck is hidden under the garments. Surgery is done under general anaesthesia and a hospital stay for two to three days is required. Normal activities can be started after one week.















Hair Transplant

Baldness is considered a sign of ageing but nowadays even young men and boys suffer from hair loss leading to lot of distress. Although drugs like Minoxydil have been used to treat baldness but subsequent hair growth is scanty and temporary. Surgery is the only viable choice for those wishing to have a natural long-lasting outcome of treatment. Follicular grafting has remained the standard for several years now. It requires harvesting a strip of hair-bearing skin from the back of the scalp, harvesting follicular units under magnification and transplanting these units in the predetermined pattern in the desired region of the scalp. The procedure is done under under local anaesthesia as an outpatient procedure. The growth of hair starts in about 2-3 months and is expected to be parallel to the size of other hair in 6-9 months. Hair transplant can also be performed in the beard area or even eyebrows if there is loss of hair due to burns scarring. Even women who may also suffer from thinning of hair can benefit from this procedure.



Lipoma Treatment by liposuction



Re-virgination surgery



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